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Go Green!

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Go Green!   Empty Go Green!

Post  MargotC Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:32 am

Despite the fact that the Earth is our only home, every day humans choose to destroy it little by little. The effect of global warming is in place gets worse every day. The importance of recycling comes down to us; therefore, in my opinion, Americans could do a better job of recycling. By reducing waste in landfills, this will reduce the amount of the greenhouse gas methane, which is an overwhelming influence harming the atmosphere. If all the newspapers in America were recycled, we could save the use of 250 million trees absorbing about 3,676,470,588 pounds of carbon dioxide. The process of recycling is not difficult. There are recycle bins almost everywhere there is a trash bin and just the little extra effort can greatly impact the Earth. For example, recycling just one aluminum can can save enough energy to power your TV for three hours. About 80 percent of what Americans throw away is recyclable which only proves that we must pay more attention to what we throw away. Everyday at lunch I see so many kids throw their paper bags in the trash, however they could easily be recycled saving thousands of trees and saving our planet. The importance of recycling should be recognized more often because I believe that recycling has the opportunity to change the world.


Posts : 9
Join date : 2011-09-13

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